
結(jié)婚產(chǎn)業(yè)觀察·2024-06-14 00:00


由我司操刀的南師大格樂利雅藝術(shù)中心在一眾參賽項目中脫穎而出,斬獲了2023年西班牙 AMA 國際建筑設(shè)計大獎-銀獎;遲結(jié)的果實,彌足珍貴!

The Glolia Art Center of NNU, operated by our company, stood out among all the participating projects and won the Silver Award of the 2023 AMA International Architectural Design Award in Spain; The late fruit is precious!

The Glolia Art Center
紫金山下 · 玄武湖邊


The project is located in Nanjing Xuanwu Science Park, formerly known as the Bauhinia Campus of Nanjing Normal University. The Glelia Art Center at Nanjing Normal University is an interpretation of urban vacation, encouraging a new generation of trendsetters to express their attitudes through a vibrant and fun experience rooted in the island style.

The Glolia Art Center
海島風(fēng)情 · 藍(lán)白夢境


The design inspiration is rooted in the beautiful scenery and traditional culture of Santorini. The overall design is simple and rustic, and the building is mainly white, using simple language and serial arcades and modular construction. In the visual continuation to a greater extent, so that the entire building space presents a simple and relaxed atmosphere. The modern style and the island style are deeply combined, so that guests can feel the leisure time given by nature to the greatest extent, and create an urban resort experience.


More than just a commercial space, it has been designed with the integration of the college’s history and the emotional memory of the city in mind. Particular emphasis is placed on the dialogue between the building and its surroundings, incorporating contemporary design aesthetics and the island style of Santoni into the art of architecture, and through the use of different building surfaces and materials, the buildings and Spaces are both conspicuous and harmoniously integrated into the surrounding urban landscape.


The open “space” opens up the communication between the inside and outside of the building. Using the surrounding resources and internal characteristic space, it becomes a platform for people to communicate. This quiet and inclusive art space is not only an architectural work, but also our in-depth thinking and exploration of the relationship between environment, architecture and humanity.

The Glolia Art Center


The facade design should not only consider the sensory experience, but also pay attention to the release of the wedding hall brand culture and temperament. Whether it is the tone, composition or sense of artistic conception, the designer emphasizes the harmonious blend of nature and architecture, and makes a tropical plant landscape at the entrance to maximize the “holiday sense”.


In a harmonious dialogue between environment and architecture, we draw on the tranquility and leisure of Santorini to create a quiet art space. Using simplified geometric language, we built a structure system based on arcades, which is set against the landscape pool and the blue sky. The interweaving of light and shadow shows a simple and elegant beauty.


When guests enter through the main entrance, they will be confronted with the vibrant atmosphere of an island vacation. A pool of blue water flowing out, just like delicate jade, the unique texture of the Mosaic at the bottom of the pool, quiet reflection, let the peace and cool refreshing. The blue sky was reflected in the translucent waves of water. It is very pleasant to swim in it.



The white exterior wall of the building, the arch colonnade adopts symmetrical axis layout, combined with the lighting and cement art paint hidden in the wall, while emphasizing the sense of ceremony, so that the public space has a flowing quiet.

The Glolia Art Center


The sales experience of the wedding hall is very close to that of the luxury industry, and the sales process of the user has begun to happen when he approaches the environment of the wedding hall. The facade of the sales area is the first interface to “dialogue” with consumers, and it is also the outward continuation of the internal space, and it is absolutely necessary to conceive the first step of this initiative.


The look of the building is inspired by the white houses of Santorini Roundabout, where semicircular arches are ubiquitous. This arched structure not only adds a unique visual effect to the building, but also acts as a transition area between indoor and outdoor Spaces, blurring the boundaries between the building and the environment, further enhancing the openness and fluidity of the space.


The surface of the building is made of cement pressure plates and an arch structure made of white elastic paint, which not only enhances the visual effect, but also brings a unique spatial experience.

The Glolia Art Center


The sculptural meaningful white volume stretches freely under the sun, and the white GRC panel draws curves to form rich layers, while the men’s space is quietly hidden under this pleat. The facades, made of modern materials such as GRC monolithic panels and white elastic paint, are exquisitely crafted and exude a unique air of nobility. The perfect combination of modern architecture and high fashion provides customers with a unique and profound shopping and cultural experience.

The Glolia Art Center


Thatch and wood chips are actually one of the traditional building materials in Southeast Asia. The shape of the 1# ceremony hall is inspired by the Dai architecture in the tropics, so the designer skillfully uses wood chips and engineering thatch roofing to combine the traditional building technology with the architectural art of the new era. The proportion of the facade modeling is divided, so that natural materials and modern materials are integrated together. The innovative design of the designer creates a tropical architectural art for the art center, allowing guests to be in a holiday resort away from the madding world, the joy and blessings in their hearts are released to the greatest extent, and can trigger emotional resonance of the new couple and guests.


4# Ceremonial Hall is also made of wood chips and tiles as the main material. The entrance to the ceremonial hall, on the other hand, presents a more modern, geometric figure. The combination of the two styles of architecture, different textures, different roughness particles, different materials present different temperatures, make the project more rich on the sensory level.


The layered shape of the main wall reflects golden lights, and natural and modern materials form a new sequence combination.

The Glolia Art Center


After entering the vestibule, it suddenly becomes clear that a large area of dark wood grille and retro wallpaper are the main materials of the space, and the wooden grille is arranged in turn to form a unique sense of sequence.


The entrance does not set a large area of solid walls, but uses a sense of boundary to partition the soft space, and a modern sense of sophistication is born. The front desk is placed on one side to avoid overlapping streamlines. The ceiling is also made of wooden grilles, creating an elegant arc over the lobby.


The wooden grilles of the corridor lead guests from the public area to the relatively private VIP room, which is designed as a continuation of the external space. The warm colors of the space are complemented by vintage wallpaper, white latex paint and walnut wood finishes.

The Glolia Art Center

我司設(shè)計作品南京THE GALLERlA藝術(shù)中心獲得2023年西班牙 AMA 國際建筑設(shè)計大獎-銀獎。這是對赫仕設(shè)計致力于在國際設(shè)計舞臺展現(xiàn)多元和創(chuàng)新的空間設(shè)計的認(rèn)可。

Our design work THE GALLERlA Art Center in Nanjing won the Silver Award of 2023 AMA International Architectural Design Award in Spain. This is a recognition of Hersh Design’s commitment to showcase diverse and innovative space design on the international design stage.

西班牙AMA國際建筑設(shè)計大獎,由CEIDA中歐國際設(shè)計協(xié)會主辦,MWCC西班牙馬德里世界工程建設(shè)和建筑之都協(xié)會和CIID88中國國際室內(nèi)設(shè)計網(wǎng)聯(lián)合舉辦,COAM西班牙馬德里建筑學(xué)院,西班牙FEARLESS雜志、法國DESIGN CONVERGE雜志媒體支持。西班牙AMA國際建筑設(shè)計大獎旨在發(fā)現(xiàn)并表彰在建筑設(shè)計、室內(nèi)設(shè)計、產(chǎn)品設(shè)計等領(lǐng)域最具創(chuàng)新和創(chuàng)造力的全球最頂尖設(shè)計師、知名設(shè)計機構(gòu)及產(chǎn)品商,為全球建筑設(shè)計產(chǎn)業(yè)搭建更廣闊的交流與合作平臺。

AMA International Architectural Design Award in Spain, sponsored by CEIDA International Design Association, MWCC Madrid World Engineering and Architecture Capital Association and CIID88 China International Interior Design Network, COAM Madrid Institute of Architecture in Spain, Spain FEARLESS magazine, French DESIGN CONVERGE magazine media support. The AMA International Architectural Design Award aims to discover and honor the world’s top designers, well-known design institutions and product manufacturers who are the most innovative and creative in the fields of architectural design, interior design and product design, and build a broader platform for communication and cooperation for the global architectural design industry.


Under the background of land function transformation and structural reconstruction, we actively explore the innovative road of urban development and construction, and build an intellectual, inclusive and innovative island style with a “historical and new” attitude, creating a diverse art space and natural experience. Make it a new life, become inclusive display, business, communication and other complex functions, and full of humanistic life of the new landmark cultural center.

[ 原創(chuàng)聲明:本文為結(jié)婚產(chǎn)業(yè)觀察轉(zhuǎn)載;來源:赫仕設(shè)計;轉(zhuǎn)載請注明作者姓名和來源。文章內(nèi)容系作者個人觀點,不代表結(jié)婚產(chǎn)業(yè)觀察對觀點贊同或支持。 ]



